Friday, November 27, 2009

31 weeks, it's getting close!!

I have been so bad at updating my blog lately. With packing, moving, unpacking, working part time, pregnancy and Aubree I haven't had as much time for keeping everyone updated.
So, I will start with my pregnancy. I am 31 weeks now, which means I am nearing the end and with Christmas coming up, it seems that it will be here that much quicker. I have had a very easy pregnancy and didn't experience the exhaustion that I felt with Aubree so I am very thankful for that. I am also carrying lower than with Aubree so I don't feel quite as uncomfortable as I did with her, car rides aren't as difficult, sleeping isn't as much of a problem and heartburn is not as bad. I feel like with this baby everything is going so much quicker and also that I don't feel I have given this one as much attention already (common Mom guilt I am sure). I just feel as if I am not as attentive this time around, but I am sure once the baby arrives that will change because they tend to demand attention!! The other difference so far has been that this baby moves way more than Aubree and especially in the evenings.
Now for Aubree, she dealt really well with moving and me being back at work part time. I can't wait til her "big girl" bed and furniture arrive so she can move in to her pink room, because everytime she walks in to it she goes "wow". I have been thinking about starting potty training her cause she can say peepee and poopoo and tells you when she needs her bum changed, also she loves sitting on her potty. I think it will wait til after Xmas though because there is just too much that goes on over the holidays that it would be really difficult to be consistent with it. I would like to have her out of diapers just after the baby arrives so we will see how that goes. She is at such a fun age right now cause you can actually play little games with her and I am always amazed at how she will just all of sudden say a new word, like she could all along but was just waiting for the right time to surprise you. Christmas this year should be lots of fun, we are putting up outdoor lights this weekend and I am excited to see what she thinks of those.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are about to have another baby! Congrats!